Sounds for freedom is registered as a stichting (foundation) under Dutch law. We have an ANBI status.
An ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) status, in English referred to as a Public Benefits Organization (PBO), has the advantage that gifts to ANBI to beneficiaries are deductible for income tax or corporate tax for Dutch donors. Under certain conditions, ANBI's are also eligible for an exemption from inheritance and gift tax, the transfer tax and for a reduction in energy tax. Sounds for freedom doesn’t pay inheritance tax or gift tax, so 100% of your contribution goes to support the work we do.
Even more important for us: with the ANBI status we show that we are a pure and transparant organization that carries out activities based on the public interest and that a selected board supervises this.
ANBI information
Stichting Sounds for freedom
RSIN number: 861439727
Van Tuyll van Serooskerkenweg 21H
1076 JA Amsterdam
Tel: 06-52595240
Van Tuyll van Serooskerkenweg 21H
1076 JA Amsterdam
Tel: 06-52595240
Our mission is to be of help to those who feel captivated. This can be an inner freedom or literally inspiring people to break down their walls and take their chances in life, take their power back. Our music projects focus on refugee children, women, teenagers and vulnerable children.
Music provides freedom in emotional ways to release inner obstacles and therefore give space for growth. It heals emotional wounds. It also inspires people to take steps that help them to evolve. And it brings people together, form communities. Any form of music is a therapy for the soul.
Sounds for freedom is developing the following activities, among others:
Music lessons and concerts on newcomers schools and asylum seekers centers for refugee children to help them learn the Dutch language and offer a save space for healing and growth.
Songwriting and development of educational material for music lessons for refugee children and newcomers
Concerts to connect various groups of people, like refugee and Dutch children.
Writing songs and making short films/video clips that bring social themes to light and open them up for discussion
Activities in 2022
In 2022 we focus on the projects:
Free as a Songbird: music lessons lessons for refugee childeren and newcomers to learn the Dutch language and provide a safe place for healing and connection with Dutch children.
Songrwiters project where we write educational material, such as songs, music exercises and music lessons to learn the Dutch language and sounds.
Concerts and music workshops for refugee children and their parents.
Board and rewards
Our board exists out of 2 members:
R.J.N. Nieland, chairman
M. Mulder, treasurer
R. Moszkowicz, secretary
The board is unpaid.